Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Question of Money

One of the most discussed topics of last week was notorious "repudiation" of the company Toshiba his brainchild - a new generation of optical media HD DVD. Just a few days on non-use HD DVD in its game console and said the corporation Microsoft. All this has led many to say that the HD DVD format finally lost the competition competitor - the format Blu-Ray. But I think it's not strictly true. More precisely, is not the case: many large manufacturing companies remain faithful opalnomu format. For example, a company LG has already declared intention to continue to support the development and sale of devices that work with HD DVD. Daniel Aziz - Manager of Marketing LG Electronics - told reporters: "LG believes that currently must offer the player, which will support both the format and so provide simplicity and convenience for existing users of HD DVD. Following the recent announcement by Toshiba Blu-Ray format will, which will pave the way for high-resolution films, but that does not mean the immediate exclusion HD DVD, because there are a certain number of consumers who chose HD DVD and began to gather a collection disc."

But passions around a new generation of optical formats flared just for other reasons and those reasons are far from such "small things", as, for example, the image quality. Moreover, the quality of both formats provide absolutely the same. Here are just a winner in the "format war" gets the prize in the form of royalties - royalty payments. Royalties, under international agreements, there are a variety. For example, a consortium of Blu-Ray can get them from manufacturers of computers and consumer electronics, which will be used in optical drives Blu-Ray. The same will pay royalties of studios and producers discs. Also, each optical disc drive or a Blu-Ray, converging with the conveyor, will be subject to a tax - license reward - in favor of the Association of Blu-Ray-disc. Exact figures are not yet known deductions. But get an idea of their size can be, given a similar story with DVD-discs. Not so long ago, when the DVD was a monopolist among high-capacity optical discs, lawfully manufacturer to produce DVD players could only paying around $ 4 for each player or drive for the PC. A few years ago when producers were only a few, but the demand was enormous, these payments will reach $ 15 - $ 20. At the license agreement, these deductions are made each time a DVD-drive includes computer equipment in the factory. But seegodnya virtually impossible to find a modern desktop or laptop without DVD-drive. According to statistics, in the world order is issued annually 250 million computers. Plus DVD-drives, sold separately as accessories.

One can imagine the volume of royalty. But not only equipment manufacturers pay licensing royalties. Second cash flow comes from companies producing DVD-ROMs (legally, of course). Only in this January DVD6C licensing group finally reduced payments on disks, bringing them up to four cents per piece. And above this amount is equivalent to 7.5 cents. But that's not all. Also, manufacturers must pay "for the technical standards". What are these payments, without ... e-e-e… special education and not razbereshsya. But pay accounts. By the way. While the Association of Blu-Ray-ROM drive, and does not oblige producers players, it strongly encourages them to make Blu-Ray-device with the ability to play DVD format discs to ensure backward compatibility. And yet something important about the royalty payments. That imperfection mechanisms calculation and payment of royalties led to a situation that in China called the summit "a mistake to DVD". The fact is that several years ago because of the high competition, most Chinese manufacturers of DVD-players started to suffer losses or, at best, "went to zero", left without a profit. But owners of patents earned quite a lot. DVD Forum canceled license payments for players, made and sold in China, but a substantial part of the product is left out of the country. And very often they were "grey" schemes supplies excludes international supervision. Problems with payments of royalties and became the main reason that China develop its own standard optical media. That is, having a huge DVD-industry, the Chinese do not want to lose money on royalties. Earlier, a similar situation exists with disks CD. Standard profit developers: the company Philips has received approximately 1.8 cents for each drive, and Sony - about 1.2 cents. However, when the term of the international patent ended, what happened in 2001, Philips admitted that its license revenue disbursements fell by $ 42 million

Apparently, the developers of technology Blu-Ray (and, incidentally, also on the main roles Sony) will act more cautiously than the DVD Forum, in terms of issuing licenses for the production of players and discs. It is believed that the film studio preferred the Blu-Ray format including the fact that production of pirated discs Blu-Ray to build more complex than the production of pirated HD DVD. In addition, the Blu-Ray format used experimental element of protection called BD +, which allows you to dynamically change the encryption scheme. It should be encryption fails, producers can update the encryption scheme, and all subsequent copies will be protected by the new scheme. That is history with the program DeCSS, destroyed hvalenuyu protect DVD, like should not happen again. It seems to… Incidentally, for BD + licensees may also take some royalties.

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