* Michael Videnius, one of the founders of the company MySQL AB and the author of the original versions of critical DBMS MySQL, resigned from Sun Microsystems. Recall, Sun acquired MySQL AB earlier this year, and at that time, Michael served as the technical director of MySQL AB. That led to the departure of Videniusa, Sun does not speak, as well as about who will lead the development of MySQL instead. However, the most likely candidate to become vacant post is Brian Eyker, guiding the development Drizzle - variety MySQL, focusing on Web 2.0.
* The new version of PHP - 5.3 alpha. It developers have implemented a number of useful innovations: firstly, there namespace (namespaces), lambda functions and circuits, new expansion (extensions) - intl, phar, fileinfo and sqlite3. Support of NOWDOC, restricted GOTO, reduced the ternary operator. Developers finally to abandon support for older versions of Windows (Windows 98, NT4 and ME). On plans regarding the issuance of the final version of PHP 5.3 has not yet been reported.
* Oracle announced the release of Oracle Application Testing Suite - a package for testing the quality of web-applications created using the technology Oracle. Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications simulates tens of thousands of virtual users simultaneously accessing web-application, which will assess the sustainability of the site to load. Oracle Functional Testing for Web Applications will undertake functional testing project, and Oracle Test Manager for Web Applications to trace the complete coating application tests and help determine the requirements for the tested product, to choose and conduct tests manually or automatically, as well as maintain a database of detected errors and weaknesses. Automation testing is possible thanks to a special scripting language, also included in the package.
* Company jProductivity announced the release of Protection! 4 - a new version of product licensing for various applications. According to the developers of jProductivity, with the help of Protection! cozdateli applications will be able to establish full control over compliance with licensing agreements and exclude the likelihood of illegal copying and distribution of protected products. The new corporate version can control the process of issuing users with free trial licenses to manage business licenses, as well as deal with their activation and deactivation.
* Company CodeGear, part of the Embarcadero Technologies, posted on its website ISO-image version of the study with Delphi 2009. The size of his - 1945 MB, to download registration required.
* Also, Embarcadero Technologies announced the release of InterBase SMP 2009 - a new version of scalable built SQL-compliant database management system for enterprise applications. The new version of InterBase has support symmetric multiprocessor architecture (SMP) and allows you to take advantage of multicore systems. InterBase SMP 2009 supports enhanced data encryption at the level of individual columns or the entire database, encrypts data in the course of their transmission network, and also sells support for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
* Sony Ericsson published a SDK for their future smartphone Xperia X1. All independent developers can now start writing new or transferring existing applications under the platform Xperia.
* Also SonyEricsson developers submitted a new version of SDK for its new technology Capuchin, which should help to combine mobile applications possible, to provide proven platform Java Mobile Edition graphics and multimedia capabilities offered by the technology of Adobe Flash Lite. Capuchin allowed to introduce content format Flash Lite into the packed file with the Java-application (JAR), a Flash-domestic components can be standardized language ActionScript. When you run such applications on a device with the support of Capuchin elements midlet Java ME and elements of Flash-applications will interact with each other through special intermediate components. From the perspective of a programmer, an interface Capuchin API, and the application point of view - the library SWF2JAR. Support Capuchin should appear first on the phone SonyEricsson C905 Cyber-shot 8-megapixel camera, integrated navigation unit A-GPS, Bluetooth support networks and 3G, which will be released to the market to the New Year.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Google News malfunction caused the collapse of shares
As news of the forgotten archives to get to tape hot news? That would have been impossible without a series of fatal coincidences, errors in the algorithms of online services and human error. Assuming that someone planned the whole chain of "coincidences" in detail, it's just great scam, which brought him tens of millions of dollars for a few minutes. And to prove his guilt there would be absolutely impossible.
The story also sheds light on the mechanisms for information dissemination on the Internet and the potential vulnerability of online media, as well as fully automated trading on stock exchanges.
Here's how everything happened.
Text of press release, a statement of bankruptcy, as it turned out, this content newspaper Chicago Tribune for December 2002.
It all started with a god-forgotten site of a small sheet Florida Sun Sentinel, which belongs to the same media as the Chicago Tribune. Since this is a common holding company, the Chicago Tribune archives are available from Sun Sentinel. Articles are physically stored on their server and are open to the public six years. But they are in the area of the site, which is prohibited from entering the search bots.
But on Sunday the text of the press release hit the list of most popular articles on the site Sun Sentinel (why it happened - it is not known, but attendance at the site of a small, so nothing surprising in a random spate of popularity not). Thus, the reference to archive material off to the home page of Sun Sentinel, which is indexed in Google News.
And here the first bug. Algorithms Google News found that the material in 2002 - is "new material" and put him in the new material in his aggregatore
Of course, Google undertaking of the charges. They explain that the site Google News news was in the "new" because it is really fresh material, which did not exist previously. In the text of the press release was clear date: 2002. If any of the people are not drawn to the attention, it's saying, they have problems.
What happened next has been human error. Editor agency Bloomberg saw the "fresh" news and incorporated it into a ribbon of hot news, which is spreading among traders. Naturally, in treyderskom to be taken into account seconds, all done in great haste. One can understand the editor, which weakened the credibility of vigilance and trust Google News.
Added that such a sharp drop in the shares would have been impossible if the traders were men. But nowadays, more than half of transactions on the exchange is automatic - treyderskimi special programs that instantly catch the slightest movement of quotations and activate programmed algorithms action. Once started falling quotations in these programs began to operate immediately triggers the dumping of shares. The wave of plum assets back into a snowball. Everything happened for a few minutes.
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The story of how Begun owner changed
Analysts surprisingly unanimous: «Begun» - the largest and return on assets «Rambler», but the company has not had an opportunity to effectively develop its. Now «Rambler» focus on the development of media and service areas, and the sale of «Begun» just give the necessary funds. Interestingly, the negotiations for the sale of «Begun» were another foreign Internet companies - Yahoo. However, Google offered better conditions and eventually became a buyer. It turns out that for second place in the Russian market contextual advertising Google, in fact, and paid a $140 million, or almost 740 thousand dollars for each employee «Begun». So, the Russian service contextual advertising sold to the global Internet giant for $140 million The money is divided between the sellers «Begun» - «Rambler Media» (owner of a controlling interest - 50.1% stake) and an affiliate of the investment holding company «Finam» (49 , 9% stake «Begun»). Close the deal is scheduled in September. During the transaction «Rambler» purchase from the «Finama» his share of Google stock and sell 100 per bag. As a result, «Finam» will receive $69.9 million, while net profit «Rambler» after all transactions of approximately $50 million For comparison: the entire LiveJournal, with its 14 million users cost the company SUP in the $30 million recall that Rambler obtains control «Runners» in August 2007 th, dokupiv 25% of the company. In March 2008, «Begun» became the exclusive seller of contextual advertising on the pages of resources Rambler. Meanwhile, Google reached an agreement with Rambler something about it. Under the agreement signed by the two companies seek to rambler.ru will be enhanced searching Google. Together with the issuance of a search Rambler will display ads Google AdSense. Give Google search, «Rambler» will also receive at least 50% of profits as a partner. That is holding maintained its sales and even once received a $70 million.
Comments parties to the transaction:
Mark Opzumer, general director of the holding company Rambler Media: «Begun - an excellent business that can fully develop their potential, under the leadership of Google. Google has the technological and financial capacity to further develop the service «Begun» in Russia ». Alexei Basov, CEO of «Begun»: «This agreement will benefit the entire industry because it opens up great opportunities for cooperation. This would allow Google to combine innovative technology with the successful experience of six companies «Begun» to build an advertising and dealer network, as well as direct sales in Russia ».
It should be noted that Google pays it for outreach and advertising network «Begun», and not for his engine. This means that customers «Begun» will be eventually transferred to the engine Google, and the main question - how much pain will be for them this association. It is possible also that «Begun» - not the last acquisition by Google in Russia: the service contextual advertising may follow, and playground. As a result of absorption «Begun» in the Russian market contextual advertising will remain only two major players that control about 95% of the market: «Yandex» and Google. «Yandex» now has a market share of over 50%, it remains the leader. Nevertheless, with the advent of Google's «Yandex» slightly increases the probability of losing leadership in the future. Not immediately, but in the perception of advertisers formed the stereotype of the existence of two roughly equal sites for posting ads, and pooling of resources and Google «Begun» play a role. As a result, budgets for Google and «Yandex» will be equalized. Google himself agreement would allow greater gain in high growth markets of Russian Internet adverts. At this year market growing at 50%, and by 2010, analysts estimated, the volume will exceed one billion dollars. As now say top managers «Rambler Media», proceeds from the sale of share ownership in «Begun» will be used for further investment in technology development and strengthening of the news content as well as new acquisitions. After completion of the transaction, the «Rambler Media» will be $100 million, the most interesting segments for investment in the company believe search technology, communication and entertainment projects. Apparently, sales of «Begun» seriously reduce profits «Rambler», which will now be earning on their sites from the new owner of an advertising system. However, as a result of the transaction «Rambler» loses partner network, but the contribution of partners in revenue «Begun», and so was negligible. At one time, «Begun» was the best investment «Finama». In 2003, «Finam» bought the whole company for $0.75 million now, he will receive from the Rambler $69,9 million - in addition to the $18.75 million paid by Rambler in 2005-2007 to 50,1% «Begun». Total Investment earns $87.9 million, or yield to exceed 1000% per annum. The company «Yandex», which is not going to sell out, and plans to compete, made through your blog with an official statement about the deal around «Begun»:
«Rambler» and Google announced an agreement - Google becomes the search for www.rambler.ru and buys a «Rambler» system of placing ads «Begun». Thus disappears oldest search engine Runeta - «Rambler» and the changing landscape of the Russian Internet. Naturally, «Yandex» received numerous requests for comment this transaction, and therefore we decided to answer all at once. We believe that this deal, Google does not so much buying a business «Begun», but receives additional share of the Russian search market through «Rambler». According to statistics LiveInternet, the last six months «Yandex» able to maintain the proportion of search traffic at the level of 54-55%. Share Google has recently stabilized at 21-22%. If you see a long statistics show that the previous growth Google was mainly due to the search «Rambler», whose share fell to 11% and close to the search portal Mail.ru (8-9%), working on technology «Yandex» . After the transaction remains in RuNet two search engines: Google and «Yandex» (share of each of the other search does not exceed 1%). Russia is one of the few countries that has its own search technology, dominant in the market. In this variety except Russia faces China, Korea and the United States. His competitive search technology is not proven, in particular, in any country in Western Europe. However, only two countries in the United States and Russia, to find enough engineers to create more than one technology, with a significant market share. In Russia the main systems were «Yandex» and «Rambler». We are very sorry that it is now a Russian search technology will disappear. By colleagues from Google professionals «Yandex» always treated with great respect. We are interested in for many years to compete with global companies such level. Russia remains a difficult market for global Internet players. Services Yahoo! and Microsoft, despite the Russification of interfaces, and do not have any noticeable Russian users. A Google in Russia went to such unconventional steps for themselves how extensive advertising campaign or buying a local player ».
The group Rambler Media includes Internet search engine Rambler.ru, online media Lenta.ru, Price.ru, Rambler-ICQ, etc. Revenue «Rambler» in 2007 increased by 125% - to $69.1 million now, according to the statistics service Liveinternet, «Yandex» handles 54% of search queries in runet, Google - 21%, Rambler - 11%.
«Begun» - contextual advertising system. The number of advertisers in the system is 40 thousand, the number of partners - 143 thousand Revenue «Begun» from providing services in 2007 amounted to 1.085 trillion rubles. The bulk of the proceeds «Begun» receives from placing ads on Internet sites «Rambler». 50,1% «Begun» has «Rambleru», 49,9% - an investment company «Finam».
It is estimated the company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the Russian market for Internet advertising in 2007 increased by 52% - up to $352 million in «Begun» believe this assessment underestimated. The company estimates that the 2007 market for Internet advertising reached $400 million, while segment contextual advertising accounted for $210 million projected to PwC, in the long term average annual market growth of 40% and in 2012, revenue from advertising in runet reach $19 billion must say that the sale «Begun» for such an impressive sum - no evidence of weakness, but rather forces «Rambler». It is precisely the company «Rambler Media» released financial results of the first half of 2008 th. Revenues company has more than 150% compared to the 1 st half of 2007. Revenues of the group of companies (including proceeds «Begun») amounted to $52 million - a 153% higher than that of 2007 th. Consolidated revenues from contextual advertising for the period rose to 5.5 times and amounted to $23.5 million, from the media/banner advertising - $21.8 million (an increase of 94%). Revenues from paid search grew by 62% to $6.9 million partner network «Begun» added to the consolidated revenue $16.6 million According to analysts, while core earnings growth «Rambler» was to consolidate «Begun», acceleration of organic growth Revenue associated with successful sales in the II quarter of banner advertising, which increased by 42% compared with I quarter. There seems to move the company from minute to dynamic pricing in 2008 is beginning to bear fruit - the profitability of advertising space on the web «Rambler» has been rising. On 30 June this year, «Rambler Media» employed 509 people, not counting the 191 staff members «Begun». Percentage of staff costs to sales declined from 43% last year to 30% in the first half of 2008 is estimated «Rambler», its monthly audience averaged in the first half of 37.3 million unique visitors, a 30% above last year's figures. In May 2008 the first number of «unique» reached 40 million, which is 35% higher than the same figure for May last year. Incidentally, during the last half «Rambler» acquired the remaining 49% stake Price.ru and now owns 100% stake. «Rambler» now plans to move toward «portal» - development of additional services like Price.ru. The company has already confirmed the previously articulated forecast earnings for 2008 - $100 - $110 million.
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IT-industry: creative force
Sony Corp. summed up the results of activity in I quarter of 2008-2009 fiscal year. Sony Net Profit for the period from April to June amounted to about $ 327 million That is almost twice lower than I quarter of last fiscal year. Thus, Sony has been unable to meet the expectations of analysts, who predicted last quarter profits of $ 486 million decline in net profits of Japanese corporations explain the increasing competition in the market game console, weak sales of smartphones Sony Ericsson, as well as the strengthening yen against the U.S. dollar . Along with the publication finotcheta Sony has adjusted the forecast revenue and profits for the current fiscal year. Now, experts expect the company annual revenue of $ 85.98 billion instead of previously called $ 84.1 billion Regarding net profit, its prognosis, however, reduced from $ 2.71 billion to $ 2.24 billion
The company Motorola is expanding its arsenal of products in the segment of corporate networks. She buys AirDefense - companies that sell solutions to the security of wireless LAN. The amount will not be disclosed. AirDefense was organized in 2001 by private individuals. It is one of the few companies that specialize in selling software that helps companies protect their corporate networks from all sorts of wireless threats informbezopasnosti. Motorola expects the positive end of the transaction in the next few months. As a result, AirDefense will be integrated into the unit Motorola Enterprise Mobility.
The company Citrix Systems reported financial results II quarter 2008 financial year (end on 30 June 2008). In II quarter earnings Citrix reached $ 392 million - a 17% exceeds the corresponding figure of 2007 ($ 334 million). Net income for the period rose by 2% to $ 71 million to $ 70 million in the corresponding period last year. In general, in the II quarter of 2008 compared with the II quarter of 2007 - the first revenues from licensing products increased by 12%, and renewal of licenses grew by 16%; online services showed an increase of 23%, revenue from technology services, including in a counseling, education and technical support, grew by 34%. The increase in revenue in EMEA was 22% in Pacific - 11%, and in the Americas - 13%. Cash flow from the company amounted to $ 75 million, thus the figure for the last 12 months reached in the $ 379 million has been purchased 2.1 million shares at an average price of $ 33.50 per share. Mark Templeton, president and CEO of Citrix, both commented on the current results: «I am pleased with another excellent quarter of growth. In each of the geographic regions we have achieved revenue growth of more than 10% and reached the planned targets for earnings per share. Overall, we had an excellent quarter, despite the severe macro-economic situation ». According to projections Citrix, in the III quarter of this year net profit of the company will be in the range of $ 385 million to $ 400 million to $ 350 million received in the III quarter of 2007 th. In the 2008 fiscal year, Citrix expects a net profit ranging from $ 1.59 to $ 1.62 billion during the II quarter of this year, Citrix start deliveries Citrix XenDesktop 2.0; released Citrix NetScaler MPX, which reduces the value of the data center, serving twice as many Web applications, has released Citrix Access Gateway, added to the Citrix XenDesktop smart management has launched a new pricing model for Citrix XenServer, allowing for a fixed price set an unlimited number of virtual machines on one server. Also in the second quarter of Citrix XenServer started to be installed on the company's PowerEdge servers Dell.
Not the most outstanding results showed unit Samsung Digital Media in the II quarter of this year. Many in the industry attribute this to the forced participation of companies in price wars to market TVs and monitors. For example, in May in North America, Sony provoked market LCD TVs this situation, in which Samsung was forced to enter into a price race. At the same time in China, the company had to lower prices of LCD monitors in the fight against the aggressive pricing strategy of its competitor's TPV Technology. Nevertheless, with all these losses II quarter of Samsung Electronics has no plans to change the plan for producing flat-panel TV in 2008. At a conference for investors, the situation surrounding the Samsung Digital Media has been attributed to global economic slowdown. In addition, Samsung forecast that in the second half of the year, total demand in the market of flat-panel TV can reach 69 million units, so the previously announced plan annual production (21 million pcs.) Will not be changed. And about display. After the sale of plasma panels increased significantly in the I quarter, the second formed a lull in the market: sales growth of only 1%. Only this time it was sold 3.5 million devices. According to the company DisplaySearch, demand for plasma in North America and China was low, but the rest of the demand for plasma panels, particularly in the model class full HD, was much higher. Thus, compared with the same period last year, growth in sales of televisions with 1080p resolution in the II quarter was 54%. The sharp rise in demand for the model has led to increased sales revenue by 28% compared to last year and 6% over the previous quarter.
The company Infineon announced its intention to reduce the three thousand jobs next year to stabilize its economic situation. Two-thirds of the reductions affect Germany, where the company has 10 thousand employees. Peter Bauer, CEO Infineon, said that the goal is to reduce annual costs by at least 200 million euros. Infineon plans continue to trend in Germany. Such large German companies like BMW, Siemens, Henkel and Continental, also announced staff reductions, anticipating the worsening economic situation in Europe. Infineon reported a loss of 592 million euros in the III quarter related to the subsidiary Qimonda (producer of memory card), which, according to plans the company will be sold in 2009. Except for problems with Qimonda Infineon reported an operating profit of 71 million euros, which exceeds the expectations of analysts. But this success has been achieved from the sale of assets. The price of shares of the company rose by 5% and reached the mark 5.06 euros. Infineon predicts stable (with possible minor deviations) increase in profits in the IV quarter compared with last year.
But more news on computer memory. The first company to reduce the prices of memory card, according to industry players, will be Kingston. Specialists believe that in 2008, in a situation where the cost of flash memory type NAND steadily declining, Kingston will be forced to reduce the price of manufactured memory card. This, in turn, will push for other manufacturers. Sources in the company's report that the proposal for such measures was formulated in a general downtrend in the market value of memory cards, as well as a response to one of the major competitors of SanDisk, whose representatives at a conference for investors, announced the beginning of a new, more aggressive pricing strategy. Moreover, we note that the timing and magnitude of decline in prices is not yet known.
Resigned CEO of Alcatel-Lucent Pat Russo and Chairman of the Board Serge Tchuruk. Meanwhile, net losses Franco-American company Alcatel-Lucent, produces telecommunications equipment for the II quarter of this year decreased by 33.9% - up to 222 million euros, compared with a loss of 336 million euros from the same period a year earlier. Alcatel-Lucent's revenues for the quarter declined by II 5.2% and amounted to 4.1 billion euros against 4.33 billion euros a year earlier. Operating profit for the period amounted to 93 million euros, while the year before the company received operating loss of 19 million euros.
28 July, Oracle Corporation has made further amendments in a lawsuit against the company SAP on charges of «corporate theft of scale» and unfair competition. As stated in the lawsuit, members of the SAP were aware of fraudulent activities TomorrowNow, even before its acquisition. I recall that Oracle filed a lawsuit against its German rival in March 2007 in federal district court of California, which had accused its American subsidiary TomorrowNow in the unauthorized downloading of software products that are protected by copyright, with servers Oracle. The damage to activities of Oracle TomorrowNow, estimated at $ 1 billion in the new edition of the claim Oracle, referring to internal papers SAP, alleges that the four members of the SAP including acting general director Henning Kagermanna in January 2005 were in possession of confidential documents incriminating company TomorrowNow in «illegal actions». Thus, according to Oracle, SAP management was aware of the fraudulent actions of TomorrowNow - in particular, carried it on Corporate theft - both before and after the acquisition of companies (SAP bought TomorrowNow, specializing in services for clients JD Edwards and PeopleSoft, in February In 2005 with the aim of the enticement of them and otnyatiya revenue from Oracle). The lawsuit Oracle, filed in the District Court of San Francisco, said: «SAP gained unauthorized access to business applications Oracle, software and other confidential documents used by Oracle to service its customers, illegally copied and used them for their own purposes. All the acts were committed with the consent and notification to the board of directors SAP ». According to SAP Sasvato Das, the company is preparing a formal response to allegations Oracle, which will publish the September 11. According to SAP, company management decided to close the branch TomorrowNow by 31 October 2008, which followed an unsuccessful attempt to sell it. Currently, SAP is working directly with 225 clients TomorrowNow to provide them support the use of products JD Edwards and PeopleSoft. And in July 2007, SAP formally recognized the fact that its U.S. subsidiary made several unauthorized downloads from the site of a competitor. However, according to the company, SAP itself did not have access to files TomorrowNow, and thus did not use the intellectual property of Oracle.
Company O-Reilly Media reported on the spread of open source software in business environment. Technical expert InfoWorld Bill Snyder, referring to the paper argues that language and skills among the Open Source can provide employment in information technology. According to the report O-Reilly Media, today at the IT-labor market from 5% to 15% of the vacancies require skills to develop software with open source. Another argument in favor of his claim, Snyder calls the increase in database projects SourceForge, a system of joint development of computer programs. Studies have shown that about 1.9% of large companies in the market associated with Open Source. Bill Snyder drew attention to the fact that this statistic refers not only IT-vacancies. The expert believes natural increase in the number of proposals in the labor market associated with Open Source. In his view, companies are looking for cost-effective solutions to the global slowdown in the economy. In addition, many large companies are already using software with open source. For example, Google uses as a base operating system, a modified version of Linux. The demand for skills-based servers Linux, according to the O-Reilly Media, as well as the language Perl and JavaScript, rose slightly, but the area has long provided the most rich offer vacancies open source in the labor market. Bill Snyder believes that the IT-industry underestimated the potential of software products with open source. In his view, the Open Source products are gradually moving towards a central position in the market, and this trend is quite obvious.
German group Siemens AG intends to file a suit against 11 former top managers of the damage to the company as a result of a corruption scandal. The company believes that the former top managers who have not performed their duties properly, are responsible for losses incurred as a result of concern over the scandal «black funds». Among the top managers, whose company intends to recover the money, the amount of which did not specify - former CEO Heinrich von Pirer and his successor Klaus Klyaynfeld. Prior to the court in Munich found guilty of corruption in the former office manager of telecommunications equipment company Siemens AG Reinhard Sikasheka. In a sentencing court has appointed a fine of 108 million euros and two years' deprivation of liberty. I recall that in October 2007, German court fined Siemens 201 million euros to the bribery of officials and managers of state companies in Russia, Libya and Nigeria. Siemens internal investigation found that «suspicious transactions» in 2000-2006 amounted to 1.3 billion euros.
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