Previously, industry media reported that Foxconn will supply only 24-25 million iPhone 3G. At the same time, analysts predicted, the market will need only 25 million of these smartphones for the whole of their life cycle. For comparison: Apple managed to sell only six million iPhone previous generation. Overall, in 2007, the world has sold 1 billion mobile phones and converged devices.
I recall that the iPhone 3G was introduced by consumers on June 9 this year. The unit entered the market in more than 20 countries around the world in July. It is expected that by the end of the year the device is sold in 70 countries. Russia and the CIS countries on the list yet, but these days the representatives of the exclusive distributor of Apple products in Russia, Apple IMC, said that the supply of smartphone could begin in 2009.
Do not rage and court battles surrounding the "fruit company". Lawyers for the company Psystar, producing clones of computers Mac, intend to use to combat Apple antitrust laws, said attorney Colby Springer. According to him, a court protection Psystar will insist that Apple violates antitrust laws. Other details of its strategy counsel, however, are not reported.
In early July this year, Apple sued the Psystar, accusing the latter of copyright infringement. For the presentation of its interest Psystar in court hired the law firm of Carr & Ferrell, who has previously won business from Apple. I recall that in April the company Psystar introduced Mac-compatible computer OpenMac. Later it was renamed the OpenComputer. The formal reason for the claim Apple was that OpenComputer running Mac OS X. Under the terms of the license agreement, the operating system can be installed only on computers manufactured by the very Apple.
The head of Apple, Steve Dzhobs in internal letter to staff the company said that the service was launched MobileMe premature and not in line with corporate standards. He proposed to remedy the situation before the end of the year. According Dzhobsa, Apple should start MobileMe gradually, rather than a monolithic service. For example, to start might be allowed to synchronize with the iPhone, then run web applications such as Mail and Calendar. Dzhobs also called a mistake to launch MobileMe simultaneously with the iPhone 3G, firmware iPhone 2.0 and store applications App Store. According to him, the staff was what to do at this time and MobileMe could be safely deferred.
Apple has not once had to apologize for the poor quality of service MobileMe and even reorganize the whole team working on the service. Group referred by the beginning of Eddie Kyu, who has since become the leader of all Internet services Apple, including iTunes and the App Store.
Memo: MobileMe - paid service Apple, which is to replace a similar Mac. MobileMe allows you to synchronize information between computers users and servers use Apple as a repository for mail, images and other files. MobileMe was presented on June 9.
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