Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Twitterization" world business.

Company Gartner conducted a special study of the possible role of service mikroblog Twitter in corporate communications of the nearest future. According to experts, Twitter-platform will be used for joint work of employees, prompt discussion of ideas and direction of flow of information.

TwitterizationIn Gartner say that now, in post-crisis time, companies are beginning to rebuild its internal communications. So, move on to more advanced forms of Internet communications - to the social networks and service Twitter. Gartner analysts are confident that over the next two years, about half of the world's leading companies will start using Twitter to organize its business processes. And about one in five of the company will go further: dare to replace e-mail social networks and such services as Google Wave and Opera Unite.

Today the popularity mikrobloggerskogo service Twitter is such that many organizations (largely following the fashion) create "corporate Twitter-register an account, secure and designed exclusively for communication between workers. The advantages of this communications technology are obvious: service allows you to quickly get answers to any questions, quickly find out who is doing what some of my colleagues, etc.

However, Twitter will probably just one of several new instruments of corporate communications. Twitter is not omnipotent and not universal. Here is what writes on this subject Gartner vice-president Jeffrey Mann: "microblogging as a separate function it will be very difficult to reach a broad introduction to the companies. Latitude distribution Twitter is one of the reasons for its popularity. Being limited to a single enterprise, the number of users for whom Twitter is a valuable tool, greatly reduced. That is why large companies are unlikely to apply mikroblog as a separate tool for communication.

In the results of Gartner research the authors expressly stipulates that moment, that for a multitude of applications social networks will be more effective than the usual e-mail. Vice-president of Gartner Research, Matt Kane, sure: "Rigid differences between email and social networks will soon disappear. E-mail received by many social attributes, such as friends list, while sotsseti will be complemented by various e-mail-opportunities. While it is E E-mail is already almost fully penetrated into the corporate space, we expect to soon see a rapid growth in sales of corporate cloud-making with social functionality.

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